Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Mandatory Fly Day

Great fall weather today! Not too hot, barely any wind at all, clear blue skies, and plenty of visibility. I decided on a quick ride down to Highland Co., which is right next to the Rocky Fork State Park.

It's only about 20 minutes to get down there, and once there I entered a left downwind to runway 23. From here you can see the lake at the park. There's also a great hiking trail just up the road about a half mile.

You can't tell from way up here, but the runway slopes upward quite a bit. I wasn't sure what that would do to my landing, but ultimately it ended up not making any difference. I scored another squeaker.

I thought the trees would make a nice background for some pictures, but the light was too bright for the pictures to really turn out well - a problem I've had before. I often wish I had spent more money when I bought my digital camera...

It's definitely big bug season! I hit these guys at 3,500'. People always find it hard to believe that bugs fly that high, but they do. The ones I hit tonight were so big that I could actually hear them hit the canopy! That's with the engine running at 2,400 rpm and me with my headsets on!

I like that picture for some reason. I might try it again sometime without the bugs.

The landing back at Bolton was another bouncer. I can't seem to get my flare right on the big, wide runway at Bolton, but I'm doing well on the shorter, narrower runways at the county airports. It probably has something to do with peripheral vision differences between the different sized runways. Yeah, that's the ticket!

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