Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Business Cards

I love the internet. While I enjoy having people visit this site, I tire of the "do you have a pen so I can write down the web address" routine. So where does the internet come in? Well, I just ordered 100 custom business cards:

Ain't that just the coolest thing? It took 5 minutes and I could have had them in hand tomorrow morning had it been important enough to me to spring for the more expensive shipping. Total cost: $21.44 for 100 cards, including shipping by mule train. They're due to arrive no later than Sept. 8, I believe.


I was just looking at the prototype above and realized what a geek I am! Only a software devloper would include the "http://" on his web address!!


  1. Actually, I think you did it correctly, since the URL does not include www. If you left off the http:, people would assume they needed to add the www. also.


  2. Dave -

    Just wanted to thank you for such a fascinating blog. I subscribed to "Short Final..." last year, but just noticed the link over here recently. I spent about 3 hours reading a lot of the old entries last Friday -- my wife noticed, asked what I was doing, and after I told her she's now concerned that I'm going to drop $100K on a plane kit (not real likely anytime soon ... 8^)

    Anyway, thanks from a local Columbus-area reader.

  3. George -

    Thanks for the kind words - I write this blog mostly for myself, to be honest, but it's very nice to know others are reading, and more importantly, enjoying the result.

    Not that it will help all that, but you could finish a slow-build kit with a mid-time 180hp engine (I can't honestly recommend the 150hp that I have) and day/night VFR equipment for $65 - 70k. You'd have to spend $3 - 4k on tools to do it, but those re-sell very easily at very low depreciation, and with sufficient lead time you could buy what you need used.

    An equally large commodity required is time. That's the one I'm lacking right now, but in 5 - 10 years that shouldn't be the case. I'm using the interim time to learn what I'll need to know at the local A&P school and by helping a local builder with his RV-9A. When I do eventually start a kit, I should be able to hit the ground running.
